Foods 1030 Lessons

Site: Joans-place
Course: Foods
Book: Foods 1030 Lessons
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Date: Saturday, 25 January 2025, 8:04 AM


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How to do this module

Everything you need to hand in for this lesson is included in this check list. Each of the lessons will teach a portion of what you need to complete items on the check list. Please hand in the checklist and all the photos once you have completed the module.

Foods 1030: Snacks  Appetizers Check list

Checklist for Module Completion

In this Module you need to learn to handle food in a safe and sanitary manner and learn to make snacks & appetizers

Check off each of the following when you have done them.

Here is a link to the Checklist in Word format

Here is a link to upload your completed work


I washed my hands before working with food and have included a photo.


I made sure my workspace was clean before I started and have included a photo.


I have gathered the kitchen utensils, tools and ingredients needed for the recipe, before beginning and have included a photo.


I can describe a good snack choice in terms of time to prepare and cost


I have looked at Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide and can describe  healthy snacks.


I have read the recipes and made measurements carefully


I have prepared five different snacks according to the recipes and have included  photos.


 I have ensured my workspace was clean after my cooking was complete and have included a photo.


I have had two people,(friends or family) test the snacks I have prepared. I have included their comments regarding the following questions:

1. Is the appearance of the snacks appetizing?

2. Do the snacks taste good?

3. Is there a suggestion for improvement?

Why Snack?

Healthy snack choices come from the four food groups of Canada’s Food Guide. 

Think of healthy snacks as mini meals. Smart snacking is part of a healthy diet. Snacks that offer nutritional goodness are vegetables, fruit, yogurt, cheese, milk puddings, nuts, seeds, whole grain breads, crackers, and unsweetened cereals - basically, foods from the four food groups. The golden rule is to include foods from two of the four food groups at snack time. Good examples are fruit with yogurt or celery with hummus (a dip made with beans).

Something else to consider is eating foods in their original form, meaning, not packaged, preserved, fried, etc.

Creating Snacks and Appetizers

In this lesson, your task is to prepare five different snacks, keeping in mind that each snack or appetizer needs to represent at least two food groups.

We are including a few recipes for you. Though you may or may not choose to use them, pay attention to how each recipe satisfies the two food group guideline and make sure the snacks you do choose to make also satisfy this guideline.

Hummus - two kinds

Fruit Smoothie



Layered Crab Dip
