Module 2: Radical Functions


Lesson 3: Solving Radical Equations Graphically



Objects that are moving with accelerated motion can be described using radical equations. It is common to find objects with an accelerated motion used in many sports. One such sport is lacrosse, Canada’s official summer sport.


This is a photo of two male lacrosse players from opposing teams. One confronts the other to steal a pass.


Lacrosse originated in North America, and there are now professional and amateur leagues across Canada. Today, lacrosse is played both indoors and outdoors by men’s and women’s teams.


In lacrosse, a stick with a net at one end is used to throw a hard rubber ball. You can use radical equations to determine the velocity, distance, or acceleration of the ball when thrown.


Previously in this module, you graphed radical functions. How can graphs of radical functions be used to help determine the solution to radical equations?


Lesson Outcome


At the end of this lesson you will be able to determine graphically an approximate solution to a radical equation.


Lesson Question


In this lesson you will investigate the following question:



Your assessment may be based on a combination of the following tasks: