Module 1: Homework

Module 1 Homework:

Reflect Icon
  1. Job Happiness (Pick one activity)

a.    Changing your attitude

Look at the handout What makes a good job. Review the elements you marked with a ★ and the one you decided you were willing to try to change.  In your eJournal describe how you are going to make this attitude change.  We’ll check back later in the course to see how its going for you.

 b.    Ask yourself: How do I contribute to my own unhappiness at work and what can I do to change it?  Are there ways you contribute to any unhappiness you feel about your work?  In your eJournal describe what you can do to change it. We’ll check back in with you later to see how you are doing.


2. Stop, Breathe, Notice, Reflect and Respond technique


Practice this technique 2-4 times this week. On the discussion board briefly share your experience, or share with us during class time.

STOP before acting.

Take a moment to BREATHE.

NOTICE what you are thinking and feeling for a few minutes.

Now, REFLECT on what is the best RESPONSE?  . . .Then do it!


 Click on the Yellow Button to the left or CLICK HERE to get to the  Module 1 Discussion Board.

3. Watch the Video about Flow:

Flow is an extension of mindfulness, It happens when you are totally absorbed in whatever you are doing.  The concept of flow will be introduced by Dr. Iva Greywolf.  


What does Flow look like in a work setting?

It is complete absorption in the task. It means you give total attention to your client or the procedure. You are fully absorbed and in-sync with the client versus thinking about yourself or other things.   When you experience flow in work you are often doing your best work.  When you do activities that put you in flow outside of work, it can be a great energizer.

Share with your learning partner, a time at work when you felt “in flow”.

4. OPTIONAL Try another mindfulness exercise

Click here to see a list of mindfulness exercises.  Choose one to try at least three times this week. 


Last modified: Tuesday, 23 June 2015, 12:54 PM