Emily's Case Study
Emily's Case Study
1. Overview of Emily's Situation
Emily is a 28 year old Haida woman. She lives with her husband and two children (4 and 7 year old girls); She is pregnant with 3rd child. Emily completed high school and is currently unemployed and is a full time mom. Her husband quit smoking last year.
Emily smokes outside and in the garage. She has tried chew before but never really liked it. Currently, Emily smokes 5 cigarettes a day of "light" cigarettes. When she speaks of her smoking she emphasizes the “light.” She smoked about 15 cigarettes a day before pregnancy. She started smoking in high school at about 15 years old (13 years of being a smoker) when all her friends started smoking and doing drugs.
She is not sure that she wants to quit even though she is pregnant. She rationalizes that she smoked during her first two pregnancies and her babies are fine. “So what's the big deal?” is her comeback question when she is asked about it.