On-line with Moodle

Understanding how Moodle is designed

Social Constructivism & Teaching Strategies

What about Differentiation?

When students...

  • find out about themselves as learners, they become more independent.
  • start where they are, progress in learning is genuine and lasting.
  • work on tasks at the appropriate level of challenge, they are neither frustrated nor bored, but motivated.
  • study essential content, learning is richer and deeper.
  • learn to appreciate differences, they work more collaboratively with their peers.

...from Start Where They Are Karen Hume

Traditional vs Differentiated Classroom

  • Assessment is most common at the end of learning to see who got it.
  • Relatively few learning profile options are taken into account.
  • A single form of assessment is often used.
  • Single option assignments are the norm.
  • Assessment is on-going and diagnostic to understand how to make instruction more responsive to learner need.
  • Many learning profile options are provided for.
  • Students are assessed in multiple ways.
  • Multi-option assignments are frequently used.

... from Differentiation From Planning to Practice Wormeli Pembroke 2007