Module 5 Assignment 1

1. Tell us about some of the services you currently provide to individuals or families in your community. Are there certain services you provide more often than others? Are there certain services you want to provide more of?

2. Think about a community event that you coordinated and/or participated in that focused on health and well-being. Give a short summary of the event, including: What was the topic? Who did you involve in the planning and schedule of the event? How did your community respond? What would you recommend to other BHAs who might want to do something similar?


  1. Save your notes in a file on your desktop.
  2. Click on the 'Add Submission' button below, to see the file response area.
  3. Drag your file into the file area (maximum of 5 files, 5MB each)
  4. Click 'Save Changes' and you are done with your assignment.
  5. If you would like, you may want to follow up this assignment by checking in with your supervisor to discuss services provided and planning community events.