Smoking & Diabetics Self Assessment
Your task is to create a presentation or information package about smoking and the diabetic patient that may be useful to clients you will have or a community session.This can be completed on your own or with other learners.
A suggested organization would include the following:
- The biology of Diabetes mellitus
- The effect of smoking on someone with diabetes
- The Alaska connection
- What can you do to help (counseling, pharmacotherapy)?
- Why is quitting smoking worth it?
This is a two step assignment
1. Create your presentation/information package with other learners ofr on your own. Submit that here and save.
2. In step 2, use the rubric provided to evaluate your presentation/information package (you have teacher rights here.). Share with other learners.
You can can respond using word and dragging your file into the response box.
Step 1 Directions:
1. Click on the 'Add Submission'
2. Write the answers to the questions into the text box.or drag your file into the file area
3. Click 'Save Changes' and you are done!
Step 2 Directions:
1. Open the assignment once again and this time go to View/grade all submissions
2. Find your submission and use the rubric to do a Self assessment on the presentation or information package that you created.
The point system is: 4=Excellent; 3=Nearing Standard; 2=Improving; 1=Emerging