Module 8 Glossary



amplitude: the measure of the maximum displacement of a wave from the equilibrium position

angle of incidence (θi): the angle that an incident ray makes with the normal line

angle of reflection (θr): the angle that a reflected ray makes with the normal line


antinodal line: areas of full constructive interference


antinode: a place on a standing wave with maximal amplitude


constructive wave interference: overlapping of waves so the crests match with crests and troughs match with troughs




crest: the highest point in a wave


destructive wave interference: overlapping of waves so crests match with troughs



Doppler effect: the observed change in frequency and wavelength of a wave produced by a source moving relative to an observer


equilibrium position: the position where the medium would normally rest


incident ray: the ray that depicts the direction of the wave front that is moving from the point of origin toward the barrier


longitudinal wave: a wave in which the medium moves in the same direction as the wave


medium: the substance that acts as a carrier for a wave


nodal line: areas of full destructive interference


node: a place on a standing wave with minimal amplitude


normal line: an imaginary line that is perpendicular to the boundary


path difference: the difference between two path lengths


path length: the distance between a source and an observer


phase shift: for two sine waves, the change in angle needed to change the first sine wave into the second


point source: a source that radiates waves as if it were a point


ray: a line perpendicular to the wave front depicting the direction the wave is moving


reflected ray: a ray that depicts the direction of the wave front moving away from the barrier


reflection: a change in direction when a wave strikes and bounces from a surface


resonant frequency: the frequency at which an object naturally vibrates


standing wave: a wave that appears not to be travelling (stays in a constant position)


transverse wave: a wave in which the medium moves at right angles to the direction of the wave


trough: the lowest point in a wave


universal wave equation: the speed of the wave is equal to the product of the wave frequency and the wavelength


wavelength: the distance between consecutive crests (or troughs)


wavelet: a secondary wave