Module 7—Oscillatory Motion

The Period of a Weighted Spring


What makes some springs bob fast and others more slowly? Find out what influences the time it takes for a spring to oscillate by completing the following lab.


Lesson 1 Lab: Equation for the Period of a Weighted Spring




What is the equation for the period of a weighted spring?


The applet used in this simulation helps you explore the motion of a weighted vertical spring.


Open the Simple Harmonic Motion: Weighted Spring simulation, if necessary. You can learn more about the simulation and how to use it by reading Show Me found at the top of the simulation screen. Continue with the Procedure.


Procedure and Observations


Using the simulation, determine the period of the weighted spring by doing the following:

Module 7: Lesson 1 Assignment


Remember to submit the answer to LAB 1 to your teacher as part of your Module 7: Lesson 1 Assignment.


LAB 1. In the Period Measurements table, record the time for ten cycles in the simulation. The time required to complete one cycle is the period of the weighted spring. Calculate the period from the data for ten cycles. Record the data under the column heading “With Default Settings.” You should save the Period Measurements table to your course folder. You will update the table in LAB 2, LAB 3, LAB 4, and LAB 5.


Now that you know this, you will systematically investigate the effects of changing the amplitude of release (x), the mass (kg), and the spring constant (k).


Using the simulation, determine if the period of the weighted spring is affected by the amplitude of release by doing the following:

LAB 2. In the table, record the time for ten cycles from the data display. Record the data under the heading “With Modified Amplitude of Release.”


On the simulation, determine if the period of the weighted spring is affected by the mass by doing the following:

LAB 3. In the table, record the time for ten cycles from the data display. Record the data under the heading “With Modified Mass.”


On the simulation, determine if the period of the weighted spring is affected by the spring constant by doing the following:

LAB 4. In the table, record the time for ten cycles from the data display. Record the data under the heading “With Modified Spring Constant.”


Module 7: Lesson 1 Assignment


Remember to submit the answer to LAB 5 to your teacher as part of your Module 7: Lesson 1 Assignment.         


LAB 5. Find the average time for the completion of one cycle for each of the previous steps of the procedure. (You do this by dividing the time for ten cycles by 10.) Place your results in the appropriate cells in the Period Measurements table. You will submit your completed table to your teacher for marks.


Module 7: Lesson 1 Assignment


Remember to submit the answers to LAB 6, LAB 7, LAB 8, and LAB 9 to your teacher as part of your Module 7: Lesson 1 Assignment.




LAB 6. Has the period changed as a result of changing the amplitude of release? Explain.


LAB 7. Has the period changed as a result of changing the mass? Explain.


LAB 8. Has the period changed as a result of changing the spring constant? Explain.


LAB 9. Summarize your findings from LAB 6, LAB 7, and LAB 8 by listing the parameters that do affect the period of the weighted spring and the ones that do not have an effect.




The period of a weighted spring is the time required to complete one cycle. It is defined by the spring constant and the mass of the weight attached to the spring. Expressed as an equation, it is



Quantity Symbol SI Unit
period (The period depends on the stiffness of the spring (spring constant) and the mass of the hanging object.) T s
mass of the weight m kg
spring constant k N/m


This equation tells you that a larger mass will oscillate more slowly (large period) and a stiff spring will oscillate more quickly (small period).


Did you wonder about the 2π in the equation? Where does it come from? It looks like something involving a circle, doesn’t it? How is that related to the motion of a mass suspended from a spring?