Module 7—Oscillatory Motion

In This Module


Lesson 1—Simple Harmonic Motion of a Weighted Spring


In this lesson you will begin your study of oscillatory motion. Specifically, you will examine the simple harmonic motion exhibited by a mass-spring system. You will use a simulation that will help you understand simple harmonic motion, and you will apply Hooke’s law to help you solve related problems.

Lesson 2—Simple Harmonic Motion of a Pendulum


In this lesson you will expand your understanding of simple harmonic motion to include pendulums. You will complete a lab that will help you to determine the equation for the period of a pendulum. Finally, you will examine the relationship between simple harmonic motion and circular motion.

Lesson 3—Mechanical Resonance


In this lesson you will be examining the positive and negative effects of mechanical resonance.

Module 7 Assessment

The assessment for Module 7 consists of three (3) assignments, as well as a module project

Module 7 Project


As you work through this module, each lesson has a Reflect on the Big Picture section with a choice of activities supporting reflection and consolidation of your learning about oscillation. For your module project, you will choose one of the Big Picture Reflection activities that best represents your understanding of oscillation, and then edit and submit it to your teacher for marks. When you have completed the module, continue on to the Module Assessment section of the Module Summary for more details.