Module 5—Circular Motion

Kepler's Second Law


Module 5: Lesson 3 Assignment


Remember to submit the answers to TR 3 and TR 4 to your teacher as part of your Module 5: Lesson 3 Assignment.


Try This


TR 3. Use the simulation to investigate Kepler's second law.

  1. Record the time display below each figure.

    t1 = __________

    t2 = __________

  2. Calculate the time interval for the planet to travel the sector (t2t1).

TR 4. Using the same method as in TR 3, measure the times required for the planet to traverse at least three of these sectors of equal area. Compare the time values. What do you observe?


Using Brahe's observations, Kepler provided an explanation of the answer to TR 4 in his second law.


Kepler's second law, the law of equal areas, stated that in equal time intervals, the radius vector from the Sun to a planet sweeps across equal areas. (This means that planets move fastest when they are closest to the Sun and slowest when they are farthest from the Sun.)




To reinforce what you have discovered, read about Kepler’s first and second laws on pages 269 and 270 of the textbook.


Watch and Listen


 Watch this video about Kepler’s discovery.