Module 5 Glossary


astronomical unit: the average distance between Earth and the Sun


axis of symmetry: a line that divides a shape into two identical parts


calendar year: 365 days or 366 days (leap year)


centripetal: directed toward the centre of a circle


elliptical: having the shape of an ellipse or oval


epicycle: a circle that rolls along the circumference of another circle


focal point: one of two special points used in describing an ellipse


frequency: the number of cycles in a time period (f)


horizontal plane: a plane perpendicular to a radius of Earth; usually used to suggest that there is no vertical component to motion or forces


period: the time for one complete cycle (T)


periodic: recurring at regular intervals


sidereal year: the orbital period of Earth


tension: a stress that tends to stretch an object


trajectory: the path of a moving body through space


uniform circular motion: motion of an object with a constant speed along a circular path


vertical circular motion: motion in a circular path where one diameter of the circle is vertical


weightless: experiencing little apparent gravitational pull