Module 3—Effects of Force on Velocity

Lesson Summary


As you worked through this lesson, you should have developed answers to these questions:

There are many different kinds of forces that can act on a single mass. A free-body diagram is used to illustrate and understand how multiple forces acting on a single mass contribute to the net force and acceleration of that mass. The following common forces will be used in free-body analysis.

If an object slides, it experiences a kinetic frictional force given by . If an object is at rest, a static frictional force resists motion. The maximum static frictional force is given by .


Lesson Glossary


coefficient of kinetic friction: ratio of friction force to normal force once two objects in contact stop moving as one object


coefficient of static friction: ratio of the maximum friction force to normal force while two objects in contact move as one object


free-body diagram: a drawing of a system with forces acting on it


kinetic friction: the type of friction that an object is subject to after it is in motion


normal force: the perpendicular force that a surface exerts on an object with which it is in contact


static friction: the friction between two objects that are in contact but are not moving


weight: a measure of the force of gravity on an object