Module 3—Effects of Force on Velocity

Module 3: Lesson 1 Assignment


Remember to submit the answers to LAB 4, LAB 5, and LAB 6 to your teacher as part of your Module 3: Lesson 1 Assignment.


Lesson 1 Lab: Relating Acceleration and Mass


With a group of three or four students, if possible, and the approval of your teacher, complete “3-6 Design a Lab: Relating Acceleration and Mass” on page 147 of your textbook.


The following questions are based on the directions in the section titled “Design and Conduct Your Investigation.” You will need to complete the third bullet before continuing with LAB 5 and LAB 6.


LAB 4. Complete the step outlined in the first bullet, and write a hypothesis. Use the words if and then.


LAB 5. Complete the steps outlined in the third bullet. You will create two graphs.


LAB 6. Complete the steps outlined in the fourth bullet. You will analyze the data and compare it to your hypothesis.


Keep a copy of your written responses to “Design and Conduct Your Investigation” in your Physics 20 course folder. As well, remember to submit your finished work to your teacher.