Module 2—Motion in Two Dimensions



Read “Determining Components” on pages 83 and 84 of your textbook to see in greater detail another explanation of this skill you saw in the Component Vector Addition simulation.




SC 2. Complete practice problem 2 for “Example 2.4” on page 84 of the textbook.


Check your work.
Self-Check Answer


SC 2.



= 10 m/s [245°]




the x component (vx)

the y component (vy)


Analysis and Solution


The angle (θ) between the x-axis and the velocity vector is (245° – 180º) = 65°.


The x component and the y component will both be negative.

cos θ =

Rx = R cos θ


vx = – (10 m/s)(cos 65°)

    = 4.2 m/s


sin θ =
Ry = R sin θ



vx = – (10 m/s)(sin 65°)


= – 9.1 m/s  




The x component of the cyclist’s velocity is –4.2 m/s, and the y component of the cyclist’s velocity is –9.1 m/s.




Read “Adding Vectors Using Components” on pages 85 through 89 of your textbook to see an explanation of this skill you saw in the Component Vector Addition simulation.


Lesson 2 Lab: Adding Vectors Graphically


In the previous lesson you added two vectors graphically to find the ground speed in an airplane flight. Any slight variation in measuring lines or angles could give an erroneous answer. Now it is time to calculate the answer mathematically to see how close you were using a guided simulation. You will need a calculator, a pencil, an eraser, and a separate sheet of lined paper. Open the Numerical Vector Addition simulation, and follow the instructions.

Look in your Physics 20 course folder to see your previous work on the air and ground speed problem. How close to the calculated answer was your graphical solution? What are the unique advantages you see to each method?


Now you have a chance to do a vector addition question on your own with the following Self-Check question.




SC 3. Complete practice problem 2 for “Example 2.5” on page 88 of the textbook.


Check your work.
Self-Check Answer


SC 3.




= 15 m [15° N of E]
= 13 m [5° W of N]




the displacement of the soccer player ()


Analysis and Solution


Let the x-axis represent the east direction and the y direction be the north direction. Determine the x and y components of each vector, and add the x and y components separately. Then find the magnitude of the resultant using the theorem of Pythagoras. Finally, find the angle of the resultant using the tangent function.



In the second diagram, the angle between the x-axis and the vector is (90° – 5°) = 85°.



x direction

y direction


= (15 m)(cos 15°)

= 14.49 m

= (15 m)(sin 15°)

= 3.882 m

= – (13 m)(cos 85°)

= 1.133 m

= (13 m)(sin 85°)
= 12.95 m

Sum dx = 13.36 m dy = 16.83 m






The displacement of the soccer player is 21 m [52° N of E].


Lab Summary


How do you determine and illustrate the sum of two vectors?


The sum of two vectors is determined using the following steps:



SC 4. Using the component method, calculate the resultant (sum) of the following two vectors.


= 185 m/s, 45° polar (positive)

= 95 m/s, 320° polar (positive)


Show all required calculations and diagrams, and identify the direction using the polar (positive) specification. You may use the Vector Addition: Numerical simulation to add the vectors in order to verify the resultant magnitude and direction.

  1. Make a vector diagram for , and calculate the components.

  2. Make a vector diagram for , and calculate the components.

  3. Add the components of the resultant vector.

  4. Draw the resultant vector.

  5. Calculate the resultant magnitude using the Pythagorean theorem.

  6. Calculate the resultant direction using the tangent function. Express the direction in terms of the polar (positive) specification.

Check your work.
Self-Check Answers


SC 4.







c. rxtotal = v1x + v2x = (+130.81) + (+72.77) = +203.5


d. rytotal = v1y + v2y = (+130.81) + (-61.06) = +69.75




The magnitude of the resultant vector is 215 m/s.



f. The direction of the resultant is 18.9°.



Module 2: Lesson 2 Assignment


Remember to submit the answers to TR 1 and TR 2 to your teacher as part of your Module 2: Lesson 2 Assignment.


Try This


TR 1. Using the component method, calculate the resultant (sum) of the following two vectors.

Show all required calculations and diagrams, and identify the direction using the polar (positive) specification. You may use the Vector Addition: Numerical simulation to add the vectors in order to verify the resultant magnitude and direction.

  1. Make a vector diagram for , and calculate the components.

  2. Make a vector diagram for , and calculate the components.

  3. Add the components of the resultant vector.

  4. Draw the resultant vector using the components.

  5. Calculate the resultant magnitude using the Pythagorean theorem.

  6. Calculate the resultant direction using the tangent function. Express the direction in terms of the polar (positive) specification.

TR 2. Using the component method, calculate the resultant (sum) of the following two vectors. 

Show all required calculations and diagrams, and identify the direction using the polar (positive) specification. You may use the Vector Addition: Numerical simulation to add the vectors in order to verify the resultant magnitude and direction.

  1. Add the components of the resultant vector.

  2. Draw the resultant vector.

  3. Calculate the resultant magnitude using the Pythagorean theorem.

  4. Calculate the resultant direction using the tangent function. Express the direction in terms of the polar (positive) specification.