Module 2—Motion in Two Dimensions

Lesson 2 Lab: Numerical Vector Addition


In the example of the commercial aircraft flight between Calgary and Vancouver in Get Focused, there are two different velocities that contribute to the ground velocity:

Adding these two vectors is not as straightforward as it may seem. If the air velocity is 10.0 m/s and the wind velocity is 5.0 m/s, and they are not moving in the same direction, the plane’s ground velocity will not be 10.0 ms + 5.0 m/s = 15.0 m/s. You must add the two velocities as vector quantities with both a magnitude and direction.


The simulation used for this lab adds two or more vectors. It will help you to calculate the magnitude and direction of the sum of two vectors. You can learn more about the simulation and how to use it by reading the Show Me found at the top of the simulation screen.




How do you determine and illustrate the sum of two vectors?


Open the Vector Addition: Numerical simulation; adjust the margins, if needed, so the black areas are minimized.




The simulation will be used to determine a plane's velocity relative to the ground when both the wind velocity and the air velocity are known. For example, how would you determine the ground velocity of a plane that is flying with an air velocity of 130 m/s at 140° in the polar direction while the wind velocity is 100 m/s at 60°?




Observation and Analysis


LAB 1. Choose the correct answer below. The graphical construction of the resultant illustrates the

  1. tip-to-tail method of vector addition
  2. parallelogram method of vector addition

LAB 2. The resultant may be displayed in three modes. Click the “Mode Toggle” button () for the resultant, , three times to cycle to the Cartesian mode (). In this mode the resultant’s x and y components (rx, ry) are displayed as shown below.





magnitude and polar positive direction (r, θ)

magnitude and navigational direction

(r, θ .E of N)

Cartesian components

(rx, ry)


Using the “Mode Toggle” button, describe the plane’s velocity relative to the ground using all three modes.

  1. The magnitude and polar (positive) direction of the resultant () is ( _______ , ________ deg).

  2. The magnitude and navigational direction of the resultant () is ( ________ , ________ E of N).

  3. The Cartesian components of the resultant () are ( ________ , ________).

How is the resultant being calculated? One common method is to analyze and add the vector components.


Calculating a Resultant Vector Using Vector Components


You will now calculate the sum of the same two vectors, and , using component analysis.


For the following calculations, you will need to know the components of a vector.


It is particularly easy if the vectors are already given in terms of their x and y components, (vx, vy)1 and (vx, vy)2.


However, what if the vectors are given in terms of magnitude and direction

[(v1, Θ1) and (v2, Θ2)]?


Angles are measured in the polar (positive) specification (or navigation N of E).


The magnitude and direction of  and  are

Open the Component Vector Addition simulation. It will show you in detail how to calculate the resultant. When you have read a screen, click the “Next” arrow to go on. On screens 7 to 9, when the symbols show vfx and vf, they really mean v1x and v1.