Module 2—Motion in Two Dimensions



In paddling a canoe across a river, as shown in the example in the Get Focused, both the river and the canoe had velocities. How do you get the value of the resultant velocity? Read “Adding Two-dimensional Vectors Graphically” on pages 80 and 81 in your textbook to see the steps used in the tip-to-tail method to find the numerical value of the resultant of two vectors.


To see how this works in a practical problem of air speed in a plane flight so that you can do it yourself, open the Adding Vectors Graphically simulation. You will need to use a ruler, a pencil, an eraser, a protractor, and a sheet of lined paper as you follow along with the simulation.


Module 2: Lesson 1 Assignment


Remember to submit the answer to TR 1 to your teacher as part of your Module 2: Lesson 1 Assignment.


Try This


TR 1. Using the tip-to-tail method of vector addition, complete “2.2 Check and Reflect” question 8 on page 90 of your textbook.




What happens if you have to add more than two vectors? Read the last third of page 81 and the first half of page 82 in your textbook to see an example of how the tip-to-tail method is used to find the numerical value of the resultant of more than two vectors.




SC 1. Complete practice problem 2 on page 82 of your textbook.


Check your work.
Self-Check Answer


SC 1.



The student’s final position is 272 m [60° S of E].


Method 2: Parallelogram


Some people prefer to use the parallelogram method instead of the tip-to-tail method. Either method works. Although the textbook uses the tip-to-tail method, see what you think of the parallelogram method.


Re-open the Vector Addition: Graphical simulation; then continue with the procedure.




The simulation will be used to demonstrate the parallelogram method of vector addition.

Observations and Analysis


Module 2: Lesson 1 Assignment

Remember to submit the answer to LAB 3 to your teacher as part of your Module 2: Lesson 1 Assignment.


LAB 3. Complete the following steps.

Examples of the parallelogram method and tip-to-tail method have been provided.


Parallelogram Method









Tip-to-Tail Method






Method 2 Summary


How can vectors be added using the parallelogram method of vector addition?


Vectors are added by placing the tail of the two vectors together and completing the parallelogram these two vectors define. The sum (resultant) is the vector that shares these vectors’ tails and the opposite vertex of the parallelogram.





SC 2. Refer to LAB 3 in order to answer the following questions.

  1. What do you notice about the magnitude and direction of each vector in the bottom (tip-to-tail method) row of Lab 3 compared to the vector in the table just above it?

  2. What do you notice about the magnitude and direction of each vector in the bottom (tip-to-tail method) row of Lab 3 compared to the vector in the table just above it?

  3. What do you notice about the magnitude and direction of each resultant vector in the bottom (tip-to-tail method) row of Lab 3 compared to the resultant vector in the table just above it?

  4. Are the magnitude and direction of the resultant vector different if you use the tip-to-tail method instead of the parallelogram method?

  5. Which method do you prefer to use? Explain why.

Check your work.
Self-Check Answers


SC 2.

  1. The magnitude and direction of each vector in the bottom row is the same as the vector in the table just above it.

  2. The magnitude and direction of each vector in the bottom row is the same as the vector in the table just above it.

  3. The magnitude and direction of the resultant vector in the bottom row is the same as the magnitude and direction of the resultant vector in the table just above it.

  4. The magnitude and direction of the resultant vector is the same with either method.

  5. Choices and reasons will vary. The text only uses the tip-to-tail method, which works for both collinear and non-collinear vectors.


Module 2: Lesson 1 Assignment


Remember to submit the answers to Reflect and Connect to your teacher as part of your Module 1: Lesson 2 Assignment.