Module 1—Motion

Lesson Summary


There were two general problems to solve in this lesson:

area relationship: used to find velocity from an acceleration-time graph or displacement from a velocity-time graph

Position-time, velocity-time, and acceleration-time graphs can be used to describe, compare, and interpret accelerated motion. The following slope and area relationships can be used to solve complex problems and describe accelerated motion.

Lesson Glossary


accelerated motion: motion of an object that is either increasing or decreasing in speed or changing direction


acceleration-time graph: a graph showing the acceleration of an object at varying times, where time is the independent variable and acceleration is the dependent variable


area: a quantity specifying the size of a region


area relationships: used to find velocity from an acceleration-time graph or displacement from a velocity-time graph


instantaneous velocity: the velocity of an object at an instant of time; the slope of the tangent line to the position-time graph for the selected time


non-uniform motion: motion that is not at a constant speed in a straight line


slope: a measure of the steepness of a curve