Module 8: Permutations, Combinations, and the Binomial Theorem




Watch the following videos about multiplying polynomials.


Alt Tag	This is a play button that opens Multiplying Polynomials 1.
Source: Khan Academy
(creative commons BY-NC-SA 3.0)

“Multiplying Polynomials 1”


This is a play button that opens Multiplying Polynomials 2.
Source: Khan Academy
(creative commons BY-NC-SA 3.0)

“Multiplying Polynomials 2”


This is a play button that opens Multiplying Polynomials 3.
Source: Khan Academy
(creative commons BY-NC-SA 3.0)

“Multiplying Polynomials 3”

Go back to the Are You Ready? section and try the questions again. If you are still having difficulty, contact your teacher.