Mathematics 30-1 Learn EveryWare Summary


This is a collage of photos that includes an image of hexagons of decreasing size spiraling inward,a photograph of a bungee jumper,a photograph of a colourful quilt with square designs, and a photo of a Ferris wheel and a merry-go-round.

blue cubes: © pureguitarfury/6053388/Fotolia; bungie jumper: Hemera/Thinkstock;

quilt: iStockphoto/Thinkstock; ferris wheel: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

In Mathematics 30-1 you were encouraged to discover and explore mathematical concepts to help develop your own knowledge. As you worked through the modules you were asked to make connections between mathematics and different contexts. You may be able to identify many of these different contexts in the two collages.

You looked at how transformations can be used for design in Module 1 and how radical functions are utilized to describe accelerated motion in Module 2. You examined how polynomials can be used to describe designs in Module 3 and how trigonometry can be related to cyclic motion as seen in Ferris wheels and race cars in Modules 4 and 5. In Module 6 you studied how growth and decay is related to exponents and logarithms, and you checked how transportation is related to rational functions and function operations in Module 7. And in Module 8 you discovered how personal identity is related to permutations, combinations, and the binomial theorem.


This is a collage of photos that includes a photo of a Formula 1 race car on a track, a photo of 20-dollar bills clipped to a tree, a gravel truck with a loader, and an image from a login page on a computer. A space is provided for the login and password to be typed.

race car: iStockphoto/Thinkstock; construction: iStockphoto/Thinkstock;

money: iStockphoto/Thinkstock; log inl: iStockphoto/Thinkstocks

You worked though concepts related to the general outcome of Relation and Functions, the outcome of Trigonometry, and the general outcome of Permutations, Combinations, and the Binomial Theorem. You explored different ways to solve problems involving the concepts studied. You used different mathematical processes, such as communication, connections, mental mathematics and estimation, problem solving, reasoning, technology, and visualization, to work your way through the course.


Congratulations! You have completed Mathematics 30-1 Learn EveryWare.


Contact your teacher to discuss your final evaluation for this course. Remember, you must write the Diploma exam for Mathematics 30-1 to receive credit for this course.


The following two sites may be helpful for a review of this course.


Go to Quest A+. Start by selecting  “Practice Tests,” and then continue to an appropriate test.



This is a play button that opens Quest A+.


The Mathematics Programs of Studies Page may also help you review Mathematics 30-1.


On the left side under “Outcomes,” click on “30-1,” then select any of the outcomes that you would like to review.

Look at the specific outcomes and click on the image that follows each outcome (This image represents student resources. )  to take you to a list of student resources.  Choose the resources you would like to access to review what you have studied in Mathematics 30-1.