Module 6: Exponents and Logarithms


Are You Ready?

Complete these questions. If you experience difficulty and need help, visit Refresher or contact your teacher.

  1. Identify the coefficient, base, exponent, and power of the following expressions.
    1. 2x5 Answer
    2. (−3x)−4 Answer
    3. x3 Answer
  2. Evaluate the following expressions.
    1. −23 Answer
    2. (−3)3 Answer
    3.  Answer
    4. 4−3 Answer
    5. x0 Answer
  3. Given the graph of y = f(x), sketch the graph of  Describe the transformations of the graph.

    An image shows a graph of the function f at x that consists of straight line segments. It passes through points -3, -2, then -1, 3, then 1, 0, and then 3, 2.

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