Module 5: Trigonometry Applications and Identities


Self-Check 3



  1. Complete “Your Turn” from “Example 2” on pages 311 and 312 of the textbook. Answer
  2. Complete questions 7.a., 8, 10.a., 11.a., and 13 on pages 314 and 315 of the textbook. Answer

The following identity is a bit harder to prove if you don’t see a particular step. Complete Try This 5 with a group if possible, but alone if necessary.


Try This 5


Consider the identity  .

  1. Determine the non-permissible values for the identity.
  2. Which strategies do you think will be useful when trying to prove this identity?
  3. Prove the identity.

  4. When is it useful to multiply the numerator and denominator of a fraction by a conjugate?

course folder Save your responses and a record of your discussion in your course folder.


Share 4


Compare your proof to the proofs of other students. Your comparison can include considerations like length, difficulty, clarity, and the strategy used.


course folder If required, save your responses and a record of your discussion in your course folder.

Review the list of strategies provided just before Try This 3.