Module 5: Trigonometry Applications and Identities


Try This 1


Consider the possible identity  = x + 150.

  1. Verify  = x + 150 for x = −81, 0, and 176.
  2. Verify  = x + 150 graphically for −10 < x < 10.
  3. Is  = x + 150 an identity?
  4. Try using x = −200 to verify  = x + 150. Does your answer to question 3 change?

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Share 1


With a partner or group, discuss the following questions based on Try This 1.

  1. What limitations are there to verifying an identity numerically or graphically?
  2. It would be impossible to verify an identity like this for all possible inputs. How could you determine whether an identity is true for all defined values?

course folder If required, save a record of your discussion in your course folder.