Module 5: Trigonometry Applications and Identities


Try This 3


This photo shows an electrical outlet and the electrical plug that matches the outlet.

Photodisc/Adam Crowley/Thinkstock

In Canada, the electricity you commonly use from an outlet is an alternating current. This means the current moves back and forth to produce a voltage that cycles between positive and negative. The current makes 60 cycles per second.


The equation V = 170 cos (120πt) models the electrical current, where V is voltage and t is time in seconds.

  1. Determine the voltage at 0.61 s.
  2. Determine the times at which the voltage is equal to 100.

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Share 3


With a partner or group, discuss the following question based on your solutions to Try This 3.


How do your strategies for solving question 2 in Try This 3 compare?


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