Module 3: Polynomial Functions


Try This 2


This is a play button that opens Factored Form Explorer.

Use Factored Form Explorer to look for relationships between the parameters (a, b, c, d, and e) and the x-intercepts in the graphs. When the applet starts, a first-degree function is shown. Change the a and b sliders, paying attention to how the graph changes. You may want to click the Show x-intercepts box to see more information.


Repeat for functions of degree 2, 3, 4, and 5. You may want to use a table like the one shown to organize your results.


Degree Type of Function Observations
1 linear  
2 quadratic  
3 cubic  
4 quartic  
5 quintic  


course folder Save your responses in your course folder.


Share 2


With a partner or in a group, share your observations from Try This 2. As part of your discussion, consider the following questions:

  1. How do the parameters in the functions (a, b, c, d, e, and f) relate to the x-intercepts of the corresponding graph?
  2. Is there an algebraic reason for your observation in question 1?

course folder If required, save a summary of your discussion in your course folder.