Module 2: Radical Functions




This is a play button for “Solving Radical Equations.”

Khan Academy
(c BY-NC-SA 3.0)

Go to “Solving Radical Equations” to review how to solve radical equations.

This is a play button for Radical Equations.

Review how to solve radical equations by working through Solving a Radical Equation. Depending on your browser, you may need to choose Radical Equations from the menu. From the five icons at the top of the page, choose Tutorial (the middle icon) and then choose Solving a Radical Equation.

This is a play button for “Extraneous Solutions to Radical Equations.”

Khan Academy
(c BY-NC-SA 3.0)

The video “Extraneous Solutions to Radical Equations” demonstrates how to determine if a solution is extraneous.

This is a play button for Solving Quadratic Equations: Using Graphs.

Review how to solve quadratic equations graphically by working through Solving a Quadratic Equation by Graphing. Depending on your browser, you may need to choose Solving Quadratic Equations: Using Graphs from the menu. From the five icons at the top of the page, choose Tutorial (shaped like a blackboard) and work through Solving a Quadratic Equation by Graphing.

This is a play button for Solving a Quadratic Equation by Graphing a Related System of Equations.

The video Solving a Quadratic Equation by Graphing a Related System of Equations is a review of solving quadratic equations graphically.

Go back to the Are You Ready? section and try the questions again. If you are still having difficulty, contact your teacher.