Module 2: Radical Functions




Try This 1


How does the graph of a function compare to the graph of the square root of the function? Compare the graphs for the functions y = x + 4 and

  1. Fill in the table of values. Create a graph using the values.

    x y = x + 4
  2. Fill in the table of values. Create a graph using the values on the same grid that you graphed y = x + 4.

  3. Compare the two functions.
    1. State the domain and range of the two functions. Explain why you think they are different.
    2. When y = 0 for the original function, y = 0 for the square root of the function. Why?
    3. When y = 1 for the original function, y = 1 for the square root of the function. Why?
    4. When y = 4 for the original function, y = 2 for the square root of the function. Why?

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Share 1


With a partner or group, discuss the following question based on your graphs created for Try This 1:


Identify a pattern between the coordinates (x, y) of the first function y = x + 4 and the coordinates of the second function


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