Module 2: Radical Functions


Lesson 1 Summary


This is an image of a car after a car accident.


In this lesson you saw how radical functions can be used in a variety of applications, including accident-scene investigations. You graphed radical functions and then answered questions using the graph and you determined the equation of a radical function from a given graph.

A radical function is a function where the variable is part of the radicand. The base radical function of  has the shape of half of a parabola opening to the right. The domain is {x|x ≥ 0, x ∈ R} and the range is {y|y ≥ 0, y ∈ R}. You can graph radical functions by using transformations of the base function  Using the form  you can describe the transformations of the base function

Parameter Value > 0 Value < 0
a Vertical stretch of graph of  by a factor of a. Vertical stretch of graph of  by a factor of a. Graph of  reflected in x-axis.
b Horizontal stretch of graph of  by a factor of  Horizontal stretch of graph of  by a factor of  Graph of  reflected in y-axis.
h Graph of  is translated to the right h units. Graph of  is translated to the left h units.
k Graph of  is translated up by k units. Graph of  is translated down by k units.


You can also determine the domain and range of any radical function using the ideas of transformations.


In Lesson 2 you will study how the graphs of a function and the square root of the same function are related.