Module 1: Function Transformations


Lesson 5: Inverse of a Relation



The series of photos show a regular face, a face with the bottom narrowed, the photo split into strips, a painted effect added, and then a ripple effect added.

Polka Dot/Thinkstock

Various photo manipulation programs are available that can make editing photos simple and fun. Look at the top sequence of photos and determine the change between each step. Now look at the second series of photos, which was manipulated in the same manner. Suppose you wanted to determine what the original photo looked like. What steps would you have to take? Would the order of these steps be important?

This is a different face with similar distortions to the final picture in the last sequence.

Hemera Technologies/

Recall that a function is a rule that associates an input with an output. Just as the steps used to modify a photograph can be reversed to determine the original, the instructions given by a function can be reversed—you can use the output of a function to determine the input. The ability to reverse a process is important in many areas of mathematics, and this ability is a key idea in algebra. In Lesson 5 you will investigate how to reverse the output from a function.

Lesson Outcomes


At the end of this lesson you will be able to

Lesson Question


You will investigate the following question:



Your assessment may be based on a combination of the following tasks:

Materials and Equipment