Module 1: Function Transformations


Lesson 4 Summary


It is possible to perform multiple transformations on a function. The order in which you apply the transformations is important in determining the resulting function. The form of the equation of the function described in the diagram is commonly used when transforming a function, as the different parameters are easily interpreted. Using this form implies that the function is stretched and reflected before it is translated.


This diagram shows the equation y equals negative 3 times the f at negative 2 times x plus 1 and then 5 is subtracted. The negative 3 is labelled vertical stretch, the negative  2 is labelled horizontal stretch, the plus 1 is labelled horizontal translation, and the negative 5 is labelled vertical translation.


Multiple Transformations reviews how some specific functions of the form  behave when you change the different parameters.


This play button opens Multiple Transformations.


In Lesson 5 you will begin to explore the idea of reversing a function.