Your Art Portfolio

Important to any Artist!

What is an Art Portfolio?

Art Portfolio Mechanics

Portfolios can take on many forms:

Some can fit into a binder. Some can fit into custom-designed folders of any size. If there are larger pieces of work or projects, these can be stored in other containers. Photographs can be taken and placed into the portfolio. A videotape can also be used to keep track of some of your work. Then, as portfolios are needed for various purposes, you can custom-design them to other specifications. The work done in your sketchbook can be done on larger sheets, but trimmed down to the size of your portfolio.

Consider the following when doing your portfolio:
  • Include rough sketches, 2-D art work, photographs of 3-D art work, multimedia applications from your design journal to illustrate the type and quality of work you are capable of doing. These may be placed into an appendix of the art portfolio. You may generate a number of drawings or ideas that may be used in future projects.
  • Date and sign each of the drawings and/or projects in your portfolio.
  • Write a description or title on the drawing for self-explanation purposes. This may be done on a separate sheet of paper and inserted into a plastic sleeve. In a smaller text explain each project, the tools and materials used, and what your learned from the experience.
  • Do reflective writing at the end of the project to help you evaluate what you learned and the meaning of the activity.
  • Include CDs and/or videotapes as part of multimedia projects whenever possible, since these illustrate breadth of skills, ideas, and creativity.
  • Be creative and have fun with the art portfolio project.
Your art portfolio may be developed into a multimedia art portfolio by including the following:
  • your paper design ideas and project work
  • computer files that contain samples of your graphics or animations that you have completed
  • photographs and video clips which you may have taken of some of your work
Your portfolio should also have some of the following qualities:
  • exhibits breadth and depth of capabilities in the work selected
  • exhibits organization of and attention to detail
  • includes integration of academic and applied academic accomplishments
  • illustrate personal-management skills
  • illustrates teamwork skills where appropriate
  • develops a tracking system for learning
  • illustrates the application of technology, creativity, and thought
  • uses the appropriate medium for the message
  • summarizes accomplishments
  • portrays excellence
Have you ever thought of the value of your portfolio? Since portfolios are often very valuable and irreplaceable, it is a good idea to keep a second record of all materials, including copies of originals, in a separate place. The loss of a portfolio, due to floods, fires, tornadoes, earthquakes, or the negligence of others, could happen to anyone.