Promising Strategies for Successful E-learning

Your Life Skills

Self Reliance

Successful on-line students realize that the freedom and flexibility of the on-line environment comes responsibility. The on-line process takes a real commitment and disciplined approach. .

Successful online students are not afraid to ask questions after they have attempted to understand the material on their own by trying different ways of doing things.

You need to want to succeed!.

  • When you run into a challenge, keep trying and ask for help.
  • Be willing to "speak up" if problems arise.- remember until you speak up no one may know you are having a problem
  • Online learning requires independence, internal motivation, responsibility, and a certain level of maturity..

Time-Management Skills

Now you may not have your own time management fairy but here are a few tips:

  • First determine what time of day you think you will be most focused on your studies ( morning person or a night owl)?
  • Reserve a designated allotment of time to dedicate to your course.
  • Create a weekly plan that allots about 6 hours per day for course work - every week. Your teacher can help in creating this plan
  • Make a daily "To Do" list. Have fun checking things off the list as you complete them. .
  • It takes time to develop good habits, but you'll gain satisfaction from being well-organized and accomplishing your tasks.